Advanced training with Prof. Gavino from Barcelona

Information brochure

Endodontic revision

Wann ist eine Revision erforderlich?

A tooth has already been root-treated. If germs remained in the tooth, they can later cause chronic or even acute inflammation at the root tip. In the X-ray, we may see that the root treatment has been performed, but there could also be a new or not fully healed old infection. The existing root filling might appear uneven (heterogeneous) or too short in the X-ray. In such cases, bacteria likely remained in the cavities, causing the inflammation. In this case, the old, unsuccessful root treatment must be revised so that the infection can be eliminated. This way, the "time bomb" can be defused, and the tooth can be preserved long-term.

Complications in the healing process may be caused by:

  • Curved or narrow canals that were not treated during the initial therapy.
  • Complicated, undiscovered, and untreated canals.
  • The crown or restoration was not made in time. The seal became leak, and bacteria could now infect the treated tooth interior from the oral cavity.
  • Die Krone oder Restauration wurde undicht, wodurch es ebenfalls zu einer erneuten Infektion des Zahnes kommen kann.

In some cases, other issues can negatively affect the tooth: 

  • Recurring cavities
  • A tooth with a Riss, poor sealing, or a leaking crown. If this is the case, a revision must be performed. The old filling material is removed using an operating microscope, and the canals are disinfected. The tooth is refilled and sealed, and a temporary filling is placed.
  • In 2-4 weeks, you will need to have a crown or further restoration placed to ensure long-term success.

How much will this treatment cost? 

The cost depends on how complicated the treatment is. A revision is more complicated than an initial treatment. There are several reasons for this:

  • The old crown/inlay must be removed
  • The old root filling must also be removed
  • Your dentist requires extra time for the precise search of the root canals.


What other options do I have? 

  • Surgical treatment (Apicoectomy)
  • Tooth extraction